Happy weekend everyone 🙂 I hope you had a good week and have some great things planed this weekend. For us this is the first weekend we have not had plans so I will enjoy the garden, fixing things up around the house, walks with the dogs, and when hubby is home for work maybe a hike or trip to the battlefield. I loved the below flower as I had never seen a peony bush with flowers this dual color.

I will share a couple more photos before I head out to mow the grass.

My mom and her husband on Mother’s Day weekend at a local park


A local farmers mailbox… I want hubby to make us one

I hope you all have a blessed weekend and all the good weather that is predicted for here.

6 Comments on “Free Weekend…

  1. Hi,
    I love that letterbox, that is unreal, and the flower is just gorgeous.
    I hope you have a great weekend as well. 🙂

    • I am happy you enjoyed the photos. The letterbox is very cool, I hope I can get my hubby or my Dad to build us one.

  2. Enjoy your weekend! I once saw a mailbox similar to the one there, but a bit larger. It was so cool!

    • I have seen similer mailboxes, but this one was so cute with the flag and seems more homemade. They are cool 🙂

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