I am so excited to say I have been nominated for my first award for my blog 🙂 Elisa has nominated me for the Commenter/Commentator Award! I am so excited and happy 🙂  Elisa has a great blog over at  http://elisacashiola.com that talks about making your home more peaceful and content for yourself and those who you live with using the art of placement design. She has a lot of good ideas and helpful tips.

I have copied what Elisa has said about the rules for the award and she says:  ”A note about rules and such, please know that it is standard practice (and very good for karma) to thank the one who nominated you and provide a link back to their site in your post. Then to offer your nominees with links to their blogs as well. Other than that, well I am going to stay true to who I really am at heart, and release the need to follow rules to the letter when I know that really, at their essence, awards are simply generated to help us bloggers find other like-minded individuals and share the love around. And please know, all my dear nominees, to feel welcome to participate if it brings you joy. Otherwise allow the compliment and kudos to bring a smile, and then let it go. This is simply about sharing some of our favorite blogs with each other”

Here are the nominees below that I feel are deserving of the Commenter/Commentary award for their contribution and conversation among us bloggers. I thank you for your time, thoughtful posts, and heartfelt comments and please enjoy this award!

Countrygirllifeonthefarm at http://countrygirllifeonthefarm.com/  – I enjoy her down to earth blog with interesting topics about her life on the farm with her hubby, animals, garden, etc 🙂

Melissa at http://writingfordaisies.wordpress.com/ – I enjoy the funny kid stories on her blog and just her ideas on play with her kids 🙂

Animalcouriers at http://animalcouriers.wordpress.com/ – They are kind souls who transport animals all over the UK, mainland Europe and the rest of the world for individuals, animal breeder, and buyer or welfare group in need of an animal shipping service 🙂

Margeret at http://magsx2.wordpress.com/ – She is an Aussie that has a variety of posts most recently one about whales I enjoyed 🙂

Thanks again Elisa for this award… it made my blogging experience even better and more blessed and to my nominees I hope you enjoy this award 🙂

16 Comments on “First special award…

  1. You’re welcome! Thank you for your kind words, and glad you got the award up on the sidebar! 😉
    Have a wonderful week!

    • You are welcoem and Thank you so much… I am happy I figured out the sidebar too 🙂 You have a good week too 🙂

  2. Congratulations to you on your award! 🙂 And thank you so much for passing it along to me — I’m honored. The only other blogger I know on your list is Mags (she’s great), and I look forward to stopping by the others you’ve mentioned. What a nice way to start the week!

    • So glad it made you happy… I was glad to pass it along to other’s 🙂 I enjoy your blog and hope other’s can enjoy it also 🙂 Happy week 🙂

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