Our baby chicks are not baby’s anymore ๐Ÿ˜ฆ


They are big enough now that they can be outside in the chicken tractor every day and learn to be chickens.

chicks three

The big chickens are exploring around the chicks enclosure more and more…

Chiks n Chikens

Its funny to watch them interact, or not interact, and sometimes just ignore each other.

chickn tractor

The baby’s are also learning to eat pellet food, not just crumbles, and from the big girls feeder.

Chick eats

The stages they go though… funny, interesting, and sometimes odd, but always fun!

4 Comments on “Growing Chicks

    • Thanks we try to keep the run, coop, and any baby areas as clean as possible to prevent disease and just make it a better environment for them. Good animal care is important to hubby and I. Happy chickens the more eggs we get and the better we feel about how we raise our animals ๐Ÿ™‚

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